Monday, March 31, 2008

Borak Obama

I heard this speech when it first cam out and i have one way to describe it...PERFECT. He speaks for all of America in this speech. Whether one agrees with most of his issues or not, one has to admit he understands race in a way that most people don't (or at least can not express).


Anna Smiley said...

i thought the speech was pretty good too. i like how he speaks for everyone in the country, not just for one group of people.

stephanie said...

I agree. I think the fact of him speaking to all of America is what made his speech so good.

sklmnop said...

I agree. He talked about how he personally has grown up with both sides of the racial divide, and I think that that let everyone know that he truly does understand this issue better than most other people, and that he is sincere in wanting things to change for our country.